Battler Graphic Setup

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This plugin allows you to setup battlers that have different models than the RPG Maker MV default. You can have animated enemies, static actors and use charsets as battlers. You can even setup animated graphics that follows a different model, with more frames and motions.

Requires the Victor Engine – Basic Module

Learn how to Install Victor Engine Plugins

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  1. So how would I use a charset battler if the original charset image already has a $ attached to it?


  2. I’m gonna be the first to admit, i’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around this when compared to the scripts you made for Ace.
    I could fully understand your scripts for Ace..
    But this plugin has me stumped.
    But you did have a guide for your Ace script… and i can’t find one for this plugin that i can read.


    • There are two videos about this plugin. The one on this post that shows the basic setup, and one at the Tutorials tab that shows an example of advanced setup showing how to setup holder’s battlers.

      But what exactly you want to acheive?


      • My internet is too slow for videos at the moment.
        I’m just trying to figure out how to set up something that is more straight down.. and have each pose be different frame numbers.
        Like, i want standing to be one frame.
        Victory is 6 frames.
        Something like that.
        Where there is only 1 column but 18 rows of animation, each one with a set number of frames.


      • This plugin don’t allow individual max number of frames for separated motions, althoug this could be something for a future update.


      • Oh… well i hope eventually i can..


      • Just for you know, i’ve made a rough draft of it’s implementation and it seems to be working fine. If nothing goes wrong I might update it with this new feature on the next plugin release.


  3. I can setup the characters fine but the monsters I am having a really hard time with.I keep getting undefined is not a function. I am unable to get screenshots ATM. I am not quite understanding the setup for Monsters from the tutorial vids.


  4. I am running into a bug with this plugin…On version 1.0 everything worked fine, but starting with 1.1 my game will crash if I try to use the animated Battlers Plugin and the Yanfly Battle Engine at the same time:

    TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_actorSprites’ of undefined
    at Game_Actor.battleSprite (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/plugins/VE_BasicModule.js:496:43)
    at Game_Actor.Game_Battler.battler (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/plugins/VE_BattlerGraphicSetup.js:837:15)
    at Game_Actor.Game_Battler.requestMotionRefresh (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/plugins/YEP_BattleEngineCore.js:3567:14)
    at Game_Actor.Game_BattlerBase.eraseState (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/plugins/VE_BattlerGraphicSetup.js:785:8)
    at Game_Actor.eraseState (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/rpg_objects.js:3494:39)
    at Game_Actor. (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/rpg_objects.js:2602:14)
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Game_Actor.Game_BattlerBase.refresh (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/rpg_objects.js:2601:27)
    at Game_Actor.Game_Battler.refresh (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/rpg_objects.js:2990:40)
    at Game_Actor.refresh (file:///D:/Dropbox/S31/S31%20-%20Game%20Design/RPG%20Maker%20MV/Star-Shift%20-%20Alpha/js/rpg_objects.js:3744:36)


    • I can’t reproduce this issue here. Are you sure that it’s the battle engine core? I’ve made several tests with the battle engine core only along with this and found no issue.

      Also is your basic module updated? The line that is returning the error (496) is a comment on it’s latest version.

      Also, if possible, next time post a screenshot of the console rather than plain text, The text without the console formating is really confusing and I lose a lot of time trying to decipher it.


  5. Great work Victor! This plugin is the only solution I’ve found to easily put the actors on the left side and flip the enemies. However this caused a problem that might be beyond the scope of this plugin, but maybe it’s an easy fix for you. My game is 1280×720 and I’m unable to position my enemy troops on the far right side of the battle scene using the database editor. If I position the enemy on the right edge of that little window, it actually ends up in the middle of the screen since it’s fixed to the default resolution. Any chance of adding some parameters to offset the X and Y of the enemies by a variable number of pixels? Thanks!


  6. Chase Gwaltney

    So its not possible to have bigger characters that are animated?


  7. Awesome, i just realized you add the Actors and Enemies Notetags, so i can tell each index exactly how i wish for them to function!
    This makes things LOADS better!
    Thank-you! ^_^


  8. TypeError: Cannot read property ‘trim’ of undefined…

    So what did i do wrong here???


    • “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘trim’ of undefined…” is a meaningless sentece that don’t helps to find the error.
      I need a screenshot of the console message.


  9. The actor wont collapse for Charset, Whats the problem?!!


    • Text directly from the plugin help:

      Damaged Charset (notetag for Actors and Enemies)
      <damaged charset: 'filename', index, direction>
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
      This notetag is valid only if the battler is using the charset mode (see 
      bellow for details). This will set a 'damaged' pose for when the battler
      is under a state with the 'dead' or 'sleep' motions. If this setup is not
      set, it will display the charset according to the motion setup. (wich
      does not include a way to display them fallen)
        filename  : filename of the charset. Must be always inside quotations.
        index     : index of the charset on the character sheet. (0-7)
        direction : direction of charset. Must be down, left, right or up.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
      Ex.: <damaged charset: 'Damage1', 0, down>  // Harold
           <damaged charset: 'Damage1', 1, up>    // Therese
           <damaged charset: 'Damage1', 5, up>    // Marsha
           <damaged charset: 'Damage1', 3, right> // Lucius
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
      The damaged poses charset generally comes with various characters at each
      sheet, each in one direction. The examples above shows the damaged charset
      for each of the default characters.


  10. Im running into an insue when attempting to set both the player and the enemy as static images.
    Here an image of the error.

    Only running your basic module and this plugin.


  11. The script work fine with YEP_BattleEngineCore.
    I have 9 actors I don’t have any problem with them except with ‘actor 4’
    if I add him in the middle of the game it crashed.
    even if i make the new game start with ‘actor 4’ it crashed before title screen.
    if i make every plugin work alone it worked fine, but together it won’t.


  12. I have a very minor aesthetic issue.
    When people do the “damage” pose when taking damage, they only play the first 3 frames instead of playing all of my frames through. Perhaps something to do with how they handle the default 3 frame sprites?


  13. I probably missed something but my static players are standing too close to each others, not like the video…. How do I achieve that? ^^’


  14. Hi Victor. Thank you for developing this plugin.
    I am using static pictures for my party now. However, they would overlap together. The whole party tend to move to the top right corner.
    Here is a picture showing my problem:
    Is there any way to adjust the position of my party member?


  15. Hello! Nice plugin but I would like to have big animated heroes. Is there any way to get the big monster static batlers animated too? This owuld be really awesome. Looking since days for a solution.


    • If you have a matching spriteset, you can make battler of any size animated.

      Now if you are talking about those ugly “breathing” animations made with zoom effect, then this plugin don’t offer that.


  16. Hi, is there some way I can make enemies using “charset” mode look down on default and actors using “charset” mode look up on default? i am trying to convert the sideview into a better frontview :/


  17. Hi, I am using Charset Mode with this plugin. I have managed to get everything to show correctly, but the one thing that isn’t working for me is the notetag.

    I have got only these two notetags set up in the Bat’s (under enemies tab) notes:

    I have saved ‘Damage3’ in the ‘sv_enemies’ folder and tried using multiple different filenames as well as including a ‘!’ prefix but nothing works. I have tried totally different filenames but that doesn’t work either. Tried placing this file in different img folders too.

    All that seems to happen is the damaged charset notetag totally bypasses whatever file is indicated in the code, only seeming to take notice of the index and direction but using only the current img file in use (ie. Monster.png) the image of the monster does not change to the indicated damaged charset file.


  18. Thanks for your response. Apologies, the note tags were:
    charset index: 0
    damaged charset: ‘Downed’, 1, up

    Hope you can help. 🙂


  19. Sorry forgot to mention ‘Downed’ was just a new charset I was trying out but I have tried all various filenames inside of the damaged charset tag so that the enemy will change graphic whilst under sleep or dead; all that’s happening is he’s changing index within the same charset sheet.


  20. I must be doing something wrong, because when I change the prefix, I can’t get it to work. Even with turning the default mode to “static”, I’m still getting animated battlers, and trying to make a static image as an actor just tries to animate the image rather than display properly, just like if I hadn’t installed the plugin at all.


  21. Hello, at first thanks for the great plugin.
    i am new at RPG MAKER MV and have not used any plugin since now.
    i tried to install the plugin like the video which is showed by the tutorials.
    the battler is a little bit to small and there are more than just one frame on the picture for the same charakter.
    i think the screenshot will show my problem better then my sentences.

    sorry for my bad english i am not a native speaker on this language


  22. Hello, finally found something seems good for my proyect, but i dont know what im doing wrong but i cant make work right my sprites, i want to set a sprite —> but seems dont work… also, is possible to use only statics images but per emotion i mean, one per iddle, one per attack, onde per damage and finally dead state??? thanks for the awesome work!!!


  23. Could the batters be changed based on equipment like with your visual equips?


  24. I keep getting this error everytime I try to load it. Any idea what’s wrong?


  25. Hello,

    First of all, I love you scripts.
    But unfiortunately I’m getting the following error when using your Battler graphics plugin:

    Maybe you could take a look into this?


  26. Victor help please!!!

    Im having an AddLoadListener error, im NOT USING OTHER PLUGINS!

    TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addLoadListener’ of undefined
    at Sprite_Actor.updateBitmapSetup (file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/plugins/VE_BattlerGraphicSetup.js:1794:36)
    at Sprite_Actor.updateBitmap (file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/plugins/VE_BattlerGraphicSetup.js:1749:14)
    at Sprite_Actor.Sprite_Battler.updateMain (file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/rpg_sprites.js:511:14)
    at Sprite_Actor.updateMain (file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/rpg_sprites.js:748:41)
    at Sprite_Actor.Sprite_Battler.update (file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/rpg_sprites.js:493:14)
    at Sprite_Actor.update (file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/rpg_sprites.js:736:37)
    at file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/rpg_core.js:3539:19
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Sprite.update (file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/rpg_core.js:3537:19)
    at file:///F:/maker/ProjectSummer/js/rpg_core.js:3539:19


  27. Hi, Victor,
    Great plugin! only problem I have is that if I set the Mirror Animation to true, it says Cannot read property ‘actor 1’ of undefined. So, this is my setting. I want both actors and enemies use static image in battle, and I create one for both. Then I named my actor1.png into $actor1.png, and then I choose my $actor1.png in SV folder at the SV section. After all I can’t even start the game because of the error.
    BTW, if I set the parameter of Mirror Animation to fase, it will work without the actor showing the static image.


    • And the log is like this:
      TypeError: Cannot read property ‘actor 1’ of undefined
      at Object.VictorEngine.battleSprites (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/plugins/VE_BasicModule.js:497:35)
      at Game_Actor.Game_BattlerBase.battleSprite (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/plugins/VE_BasicModule.js:821:29)
      at Game_Actor.Game_Battler.battler (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/plugins/VE_BattlerGraphicSetup.js:1016:21)
      at Game_Actor.Game_Battler.requestMotionRefresh (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/plugins/YEP_BattleEngineCore.js:4134:14)
      at Game_Actor.Game_BattlerBase.eraseState (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/plugins/VE_BattlerGraphicSetup.js:959:14)
      at Game_Actor.eraseState (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/rpg_objects.js:3492:39)
      at Game_Actor.eraseState (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/plugins/VE_StateGraphics.js:340:41)
      at Game_Actor. (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/rpg_objects.js:2600:14)
      at Array.forEach (native)
      at Game_Actor.Game_BattlerBase.refresh (file:///C:/Users/ztzha/Documents/Games/%E8%89%BE%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%9C%E5%B9%95/js/rpg_objects.js:2599:27)rpg_managers.js:1618 SceneManager.catchException


  28. Hi there, I have just tried to set the enemies as charsets. But I honestly have no idea what i’m doing. I’ve looked at your tutorials, and i have the basic module. I changed the enemy sprite mode to ‘Charset’ and saved a charset spreadsheet with ‘!’ in front of the name into the SV battlers folder. I know this isn’t correct but I’m not sure how else to set it up. Any help would be much appreciated.


  29. How can I hide battler shadows in static mode? I’ve tried using as well as using YEP settings to hide them, but neither seems to work. Disabling YEP scripts also does not seem to do the trick, so it doesn’t seem like a compatibility problem.

    Thanks for the great plugin.


  30. Literally losing my mind over probably the easiest solution. I’m using vibrato’s battlers and they load in fine and everything works as intended. But what’s killing me is my battlers have no stepping forward animation. They just stand idle and slide, but they have the dashing backwards to default position animation. I’ve searched all your videos for a solution and I’m just completely lost. Please roast me and provide a solution if you can because I’m going insane.


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